Source code for yadawia.views

Contains all the view logic/endpoints for this app.

from yadawia import app, db
from yadawia.classes import DBException, LoginException, User, Address,\
    Country, Review, Product, Category, Currency,\
    Variety, ProductCategory, Upload, MessageThread,\
    Message, Reason, Report, PaymentMethod, Order,\
from yadawia.helpers import login_user, is_safe, redirect_back, \
    authenticate, anonymous_only, public,\
    curr_user, get_upload_url, logout_user,\
    is_allowed_in_thread, disable_user,\
    create_edit_product, valid_photo,\
from sqlalchemy import exc, or_, and_
from flask import request, render_template, session, redirect,\
    url_for, abort, flash, jsonify, send_from_directory
from sqlalchemy.sql import func
import uuid
import os

[docs]def home(): """View function for home.""" return render_template('index.html')
[docs]def terms(): """View function for terms and conditions.""" return render_template('terms_conditions.html')
[docs]def privacy(): """View function for privacy policy.""" return render_template('privacy.html')
@app.route('/login', methods=['GET', 'POST']) @anonymous_only
[docs]def login(): """View function for Login.""" if request.method == 'POST': username = request.form['username'] password = request.form['password'] try: login_user(username, password) except LoginException as e: error_msg = e.args[0]['message'] flash(error_msg) return redirect_back('login') return redirect_back('home') return render_template('login.html')
@app.route('/logout') @authenticate
[docs]def logout(): """Log user out.""" logout_user() return redirect_back('home')
@app.route('/register', methods=['GET', 'POST']) @anonymous_only
[docs]def register(): """View function for Registeration.""" if request.method == 'POST': username = request.form['username'] email = request.form['email'] password = request.form['password'] location = request.form['location'] name = request.form['name'] error = None try: user = User(username, email, password, name, location) db.session.add(user) db.session.commit() login_user(username, password) except exc.IntegrityError as ex: reason = ex.message if reason.endswith('is not unique'): error = "%s is already in use." % ex.params[0] else: error = reason db.session.rollback() except (DBException, LoginException) as e: error = e.args[0]['message'] return jsonify(success=True) if error is None else jsonify(error=error) return render_template('register.html')
@app.route('/_validateField', methods=['GET'])
[docs]def validate_field(): """Check availability of username/email. For use in registeration form.""" field_type = request.args.get('type', 0, type=str) if field_type not in ['email', 'username']: abort(400) field = request.args.get('field', 0, type=str) kwargs = {field_type: field.lower()} existing = User.query.filter_by(**kwargs).first() is_taken = existing if not ( existing and curr_user( existing.username)) else False available = 'false' if is_taken else 'true' return jsonify(available=available)
@app.route('/profile') @app.route('/p/<username>')
[docs]def profile(username=None): """View function for profile given a username OR if not, use username of logged in user. Returns: - user: Object instance of type User. - is_curr_user: Boolean = is this the logged in user's profile? - avg_rating: user's average rating throughout their products. - products: user's products (all if is_curr_user, available only if not). - report_reasons: reasons to report a user if not is_curr_user. """ if username is None: if 'username' in session: username = session['username'] else: abort(404) user = User.query.filter_by( username=username.lower(), disabled=False).first() if user is None: abort(404) rating = db.session.query(func.avg(Review.rating).label('average'))\ .join(Product).join(User).filter( ==[0] avg_rating = round(rating, 2) if rating is not None else None is_current_users_profile = curr_user(username.lower()) kwargs = {} if is_current_users_profile else {'available': True} report_reasons = None if is_current_users_profile else Reason.query.order_by( Reason.text).all() return render_template('profile.html', user=user, is_curr_user=is_current_users_profile, avg_rating=avg_rating, products=user.products.filter_by(**kwargs) .order_by(Product.update_date.desc()).all(), report_reasons=report_reasons)
@app.route('/upload/profile-pic', methods=['POST']) @authenticate
[docs]def upload_avatar(): """Upload profile picture for logged in user.""" photo_url = request.form['photo_url'] user = User.query.filter_by(username=session['username']).first() user.picture = photo_url db.session.commit() return redirect(url_for('profile', username=session['username']))
@app.route('/edit/profile', methods=['POST']) @authenticate
[docs]def edit_profile(): """Edit profile (name, username, location) of logged in user.""" user = User.query.filter_by(id=session['userId']).first() error = None try: = request.form['name'] user.username = request.form['username'] user.about = request.form['about'] user.location = request.form['location'] db.session.commit() session['username'] = request.form['username'].lower() except DBException as dbe: error = dbe.args[0]['message'] except exc.IntegrityError as ex: reason = ex.message if reason.endswith('is not unique'): error = "%s is already in use." % ex.params[0] else: error = reason db.session.rollback() return jsonify(success=True) if error is None else jsonify(error=error)
@app.route('/settings') @authenticate
[docs]def settings(): """View for settings for logged in user.""" user = User.query.filter_by(username=session['username']).first() countries = Country.query.order_by(Country.value).all() return render_template('settings.html', user=user, addresses=user.addresses.all(), countries=countries)
@app.route('/settings/account', methods=['POST']) @authenticate
[docs]def update_account(): """Edit account (email, password) of logged in user.""" field_type = request.form['type'] error = None if field_type in ['password', 'email']: old_password = request.form['password'] new_value = request.form['new_' + field_type] user = User.query.filter_by(username=session['username']).first() if user.isPassword(old_password): try: setattr(user, field_type, new_value) db.session.commit() except DBException as dbe: error = dbe.args[0]['message'] else: error = 'Current password is incorrect.' return jsonify(success=True, message='Successfully changed ' + field_type + '.')\ if error is None else jsonify(error=error) abort(400)
@app.route('/settings/deactivate', methods=['POST']) @authenticate
[docs]def deactivate_account(): # TODO prevent deactivate if ongoing orders. """Deactivate a user's account. Can be undone by simply logging in again, as opposed to admin suspension (yet to be implemented in a view). """ password = request.form['password'] user = User.query.filter_by(username=session['username']).first() if user.isPassword(password): disable_user(user.username) flash('Your account has been deactivated. Login again to reactivate it!') logout_user() return redirect(url_for('home')) flash('The password you entered was incorrect.') return redirect(url_for('settings'))
@app.route('/settings/addresses/add', methods=['POST']) @authenticate
[docs]def add_address(): """Add a new address to a logged in user's account.""" error = None name = request.form['name'] text = request.form['text'] city = request.form['city'] country_id = request.form['country'] code = request.form['code'] phone = request.form['phone'] user_id = session['userId'] try: address = Address(name, user_id, text, country_id, code, phone) db.session.add(address) db.session.commit() except DBException as dbe: error = dbe.args[0]['message'] except exc.SQLAlchemyError as e: error = e.message db.session.rollback() return jsonify(success=True) if not error else jsonify(error=error)
@app.route('/settings/addresses/delete', methods=['DELETE']) @authenticate
[docs]def delete_address(): """Delete an address from a logged in user's account.""" error = None user = User.query.filter_by(username=session['username']).first() address_id = int(request.form['address_id']) address = Address.query.filter_by(id=address_id).first() if address is not None and address.user_id == try: db.session.delete(address) db.session.commit() except exc.IntegrityError as e: # TODO check if ongoing orders or just history error = 'Cannot delete an address currently used in ongoing orders.' return jsonify(success=True) if not error else jsonify(error=error) abort(400)
@app.route('/product/create', methods=['GET', 'POST']) @authenticate
[docs]def create_product(): """Create a new product to sell by the logged in user.""" if request.method == 'POST': return create_edit_product(create=True) elif request.method == 'GET': categories = Category.query.order_by( currencies = Currency.query.order_by( return render_template('create_product.html', categories=categories, currencies=currencies)
[docs]def product(productID): """View for product page given the product ID.""" productID = productID product = Product.query.filter_by( id=productID).outerjoin(Review).order_by( Review.create_date.desc()).first() if product is None or\ (not product.available and ('logged_in' not in session or product.seller_id != session['userId'])): abort(404) categories = Category.query.all() currencies = Currency.query.all() return render_template('product.html', product=product, categories=categories, currencies=currencies)
@app.route('/message/create', methods=['POST']) @authenticate
[docs]def new_message(): """Send a new message (start a new message thread) with another user.""" error = None title = request.form['subject'] message = request.form['message'] user1 = session['userId'] user2 = User.query.filter_by(username=request.form['send_to']).first().id if user2 is None: abort(400) try: thread = MessageThread(user1, user2, title) db.session.add(thread) db.session.flush() message = Message(, user1, message) db.session.add(message) db.session.commit() except DBException as dbe: error = dbe.args[0]['message'] except (exc.IntegrityError, exc.SQLAlchemyError) as e: error = e.message if error: flash(error) return redirect(url_for('profile', username=request.form['send_to'])) else: return redirect(url_for('message_thread',
@app.route('/messages') @authenticate
[docs]def messages(): """View for message threads.""" user_id = session['userId'] threads = MessageThread.query.join(Message)\ .filter(or_(MessageThread.user1 == user_id, MessageThread.user2 == user_id))\ .order_by( return render_template('messages.html', threads=threads)
@app.route('/see-message/<int:threadID>', methods=['POST']) @authenticate
[docs]def see_message(threadID): """Mark a message as seen by receiver.""" if is_allowed_in_thread(threadID): error = None user_id = session['userId'] messages = Message.query.filter(and_(Message.sender_id != user_id, Message.seen.is_(None))).all() try: for message in messages: message.see(user_id) db.session.commit() except exc.SQLAlchemyError as e: error = e.message return jsonify(success=True) if not error else jsonify(error=error) abort(400)
@app.route('/messages/<int:threadID>/reply', methods=['POST']) @authenticate
[docs]def reply(threadID): """Reply to a message thread.""" if is_allowed_in_thread(threadID): error = None message = request.form['message'] sender_id = session['userId'] try: msg = Message(int(threadID), sender_id, message) db.session.add(msg) db.session.commit() except DBException as dbe: error = dbe.args[0]['message'] except (exc.IntegrityError, exc.SQLAlchemyError) as e: error = e.message if error: flash(error) return redirect(url_for('message_thread', threadID=threadID)) abort(400)
@app.route('/messages/<int:threadID>') @authenticate
[docs]def message_thread(threadID): # TODO: PAGE """View for single message thread.""" if is_allowed_in_thread( threadID): # checks if thread exists and user is allowed in thread = MessageThread.query.filter_by(id=int(threadID)).join(Message).order_by( other_user_id = thread.user2 if thread.user1 == session['userId'] else thread.user1 other_user = User.query.filter_by(id=other_user_id).first() return render_template('message_thread.html', thread=thread, other_user=other_user) abort(400)
@app.route('/report/new', methods=['POST']) @authenticate
[docs]def report_user(): """Report a user to platform admins.""" error = None sender_id = session['userId'] about_username = request.form['reported_user'] about_user = User.query.filter_by(username=about_username).first() if about_user is None: abort(400) about_id = reason_id = int(request.form['reason']) message = request.form['message'] try: report = Report(sender_id, about_id, reason_id, message) db.session.add(report) db.session.commit() except DBException as dbe: error = dbe.args[0]['message'] except (exc.IntegrityError, exc.SQLAlchemyError) as e: error = e.message flash_msg = error if error else 'Thank you for reporting this user. Someone will review this report and take the appropriate action if needed.' flash(flash_msg) return redirect(url_for('profile', username=about_username))
@app.route('/product/<int:productID>/review/new', methods=['POST']) @authenticate
[docs]def new_review(productID): """Review a product (only available to logged in users).""" error = None text = request.form['text'] rating = float(request.form['rating']) user_id = session['userId'] title = request.form['title'] try: review = Review(user_id, productID, rating, title=title, text=text) db.session.add(review) db.session.commit() except DBException as dbe: error = dbe.args[0]['message'] except (exc.IntegrityError, exc.SQLAlchemyError) as e: error = e.message return jsonify(success=True) if error is None else jsonify(error=error)
@app.route('/product/<int:productID>/review/edit', methods=['POST']) @authenticate
[docs]def edit_review(productID): """Edit a previously written review.""" error = None text = request.form['text'] rating = float(request.form['rating']) user_id = session['userId'] title = request.form['title'] try: review = Review.query.filter_by( product_id=productID, user_id=user_id).first() if review is None: abort(400) review.text = text review.rating = rating review.title = title db.session.commit() except DBException as dbe: error = dbe.args[0]['message'] except (exc.IntegrityError, exc.SQLAlchemyError) as e: error = e.message return jsonify(success=True) if error is None else jsonify(error=error)
@app.route('/product/<int:productID>/review/delete', methods=['POST']) @authenticate
[docs]def delete_review(productID): """Delete a previously written review.""" error = None user_id = session['userId'] try: review = Review.query.filter_by( product_id=productID, user_id=user_id).first() if review is None: abort(400) db.session.delete(review) db.session.commit() except DBException as dbe: error = dbe.args[0]['message'] except (exc.IntegrityError, exc.SQLAlchemyError) as e: error = e.message flash_msg = error if error is not None else 'Successfully deleted your review.' return redirect(url_for('product', productID=productID))
@app.route('/product/<int:productID>/toggle', methods=['POST']) @authenticate
[docs]def toggle_availability(productID): """Toggle a product's availability.""" error = None user_id = session['userId'] try: product = Product.query.filter_by( id=productID, seller_id=user_id).first() if product is None: abort(400) product.available = not product.available db.session.commit() except DBException as dbe: error = dbe.args[0]['message'] except (exc.IntegrityError, exc.SQLAlchemyError) as e: error = e.message return jsonify(success=True) if error is None else jsonify(error=error)
@app.route('/product/<int:productID>/edit-pics', methods=['POST']) @authenticate
[docs]def edit_product_pics(productID): """Edit product pictures (remove or re-order).""" product = Product.query.filter_by( id=productID, seller_id=session['userId']).first() pic_ids = request.form.getlist('pic_id') pic_orders = request.form.getlist('pic_order') for i in range(len(pic_ids)): temp_pic = product.uploads.filter_by(id=pic_ids[i]).first() if temp_pic is not None: order = pic_orders[i] if order == 'remove': db.session.delete(temp_pic) else: temp_pic.order = pic_orders[i] db.session.commit() if product is None: abort(400) return redirect(url_for('product', productID=productID))
@app.route('/product/<int:productID>/edit', methods=['POST']) @authenticate
[docs]def edit_product(productID): """Edit product (edit non-image attributes and add new images).""" product = Product.query.filter_by( id=productID, seller_id=session['userId']).first() if product is not None: return create_edit_product(create=False, productID=productID) else: abort(400)
@app.route('/sign_s3', methods=['GET']) @authenticate
[docs]def sign_s3(): """Sign a request to upload to the S3 Bucket.""" S3_BUCKET = os.environ.get('S3_BUCKET') user_id = session['userId'] photo_name = request.args.getlist('photo_name[]') photo_type = request.args.getlist('photo_type[]') photo_size_mb = request.args.getlist('photo_size_mb[]') posts = [] urls = [] for i in range(len(photo_type)): if not valid_photo(photo_type[i], float(photo_size_mb[i])): return jsonify(error=photo_name[i] + ' is not a valid photo under 10 MBs.') else: new_name = uuid.uuid4().hex + '_' + str(user_id) + \ os.path.splitext(photo_name[i])[1] posts.append(get_presigned_post(new_name, photo_type[i])) urls.append( '' % (S3_BUCKET, new_name)) return jsonify(data=posts, urls=urls)
[docs]def search_products(): """Search products using a single query line, and a sort order/parameter.""" term = request.args.get('q') matches = Product.query.filter_by(available=True).search(term, sort=True).all() return render_template('search.html', matches=matches, term=term)
[docs]def search_category(categoryID): """Search in a category""" term = request.args.get('q') category = Category.query.filter_by(id=categoryID).first() if category is None: abort(404) matches = category.products.filter_by(available=True).order_by(Product.update_date.desc()).all() return render_template('search.html', matches=matches, term=term, category=category)
@app.route('/cart') @authenticate
[docs]def cart(): """View function for cart.""" return render_template('cart.html')
@app.route('/cart-products', methods=['GET']) @authenticate
[docs]def cart_products(): """AJAX endpoint for cart pages: get info about products in cart.""" ids = [int(x) for x in request.args.getlist('product_id[]')] variety_ids = request.args.getlist('product_variety[]') quantity = request.args.getlist('product_quantity[]') cart_items = [] total_price = {} for i in range(len(ids)): product = Product.query.filter_by(id=int(ids[i])).first() price = None variety_name = None prod_error = None if product is None: prod_error = 'Product with ID ' + ids[i] + ' does not exist.' elif not product.available: prod_error = + ' is no longer available.' else: if variety_ids[i] == 'default': if product.varieties.count() == 0: price = product.price variety_name = 'Default' else: prod_error = '<a target="_blank" href="' + url_for('product',\ + '">' + + '</a>'\ + ' no longer has a "Default" variety.' price = 0 else: variety = product.varieties.filter_by( id=int(variety_ids[i])).first() if variety is None or not variety.available: prod_error = 'The variety selected for '\ + '<a target="_blank" href="'\ + url_for('product',\ + '">' + + '</a>'\ + ' does not exist.' price = 0 else: price = variety.price if variety.price else product.price variety_name = if product.currency_id in total_price: total_price[product.currency_id] += int(quantity[i]) * price else: total_price[product.currency_id] = int(quantity[i]) * price if prod_error is None: temp = dict(,, variety_id=variety_ids[i], price=price, currency=product.currency_id, variety_name=variety_name) else: temp = dict( product_id=ids[i], variety_id=variety_ids[i], error=prod_error) cart_items.append(temp) return jsonify(total_price=total_price, items=cart_items)
@app.route('/checkout', methods=['GET', 'POST']) @authenticate def checkout(): if request.method == 'POST': try: address_id = int(request.form['address']) payment_method_id = int(request.form['payment']) order = Order(session['userId'], address_id=address_id, payment_method_id=payment_method_id) db.session.add(order) db.session.flush() product_ids = [int(x) for x in request.form.getlist('product_id')] variety_ids = [int(x) if x != 'default' else None for x in request.form.getlist('variety_id')] prices = [float(x) for x in request.form.getlist('price')] quantities = [int(x) for x in request.form.getlist('quantity')] currencies = request.form.getlist('currency') remarks = request.form.getlist('remark') for i in range(len(product_ids)): order_product = OrderProduct(, product_ids[i], prices[i], currencies[i],\ variety_id=variety_ids[i], quantity=quantities[i], remarks=remarks[i]) db.session.add(order_product) db.session.commit() return render_template('checkout_feedback.html', except exc.IntegrityError as e: db.session.rollback() return render_template('checkout_feedback.html', error=e.message) elif request.method == 'GET': addresses = User.query.filter_by(id=session['userId']).first().addresses.all() payment_methods = PaymentMethod.query.order_by( return render_template('checkout.html', addresses=addresses, payment_methods=payment_methods) @app.route('/orders') @authenticate
[docs]def order_history(): """Get someone's order history. Orders by them, and orders for them.""" for_you = Order.query.join(OrderProduct).join(Product).\ filter_by(seller_id=session['userId']).order_by(Order.create_date.desc()).all() by_you = Order.query.filter_by(user_id=session['userId']).order_by(Order.update_date.desc()).all() return render_template('order_history.html', for_you=for_you, by_you=by_you)
@app.route('/confirm-item', methods=['POST']) @authenticate def confirm_item(): item_id = int(request.form['item_id']) item = OrderProduct.query.filter_by(id=item_id).first() if item is None or item.details.seller_id != session['userId']: abort(400) try: item.confirmed = True item.order.touch() item.order.updateStatus() db.session.commit() except exc.SQLAlchemyError as e: return jsonify(error='Database error.') return jsonify(success=True)